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Minnesota Unveils Comprehensive Strategy to End HIV Epidemic

The new state plan proposes a range of strategies to bring an end to the HIV epidemic in Minnesota. The plan, dubbed “END HIV MN” aims to eliminate the 300 new cases still reported every year in our state. Historically underserved groups such as communities of color, LGBTQ communities and people who use drugs are affected more often by HIV.

With much advancement in HIV prevention and treatment, it is possible to stop the spread of this disease. END HIV MN will guide the effort by addressing social and structural barriers to HIV prevention, testing and treatment. END HIV MN was created over several years with extensive input from people living with HIV, communities most affected by HIV, health care and social service providers and local and state government. The Minnesota Department of Health and the Minnesota Department of Human Services engaged more than 600 stakeholders through focus groups, workshops, interviews and online surveys.

The plan lays out key strategies falling under five broad goals: 1) Prevent new HIV infections; 2) Reduce HIV-related health disparities and promote health equity; 3) Increase retention in care for people living with HIV; 4) Ensure stable housing for people living with or at risk for HIV; 5)  Achieve a coordinated statewide response to HIV.

More details of the plan are available at

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